A multi-layered novel with many unexpected trysts with destiny; a story of choices in my mind, those you may or may not undo. You are repeatedly given opportunities to look at your reflection, and decide what it should look like. You’re the one who has to choose, only you.
The Miracles of the Namiya General Store
The narrative has you travelling, even so, in Japan of course, with cultural innuendos that add much flavor to the telling. The country, vibrant and alive leaves a trail of Japanese-ness in you.
Where the Crawdads Sing (Delia Owens)
When she sees deer, she puts to good use a lesson learnt from watching wild turkeys: ‘if you act like a predator, they act like prey.’
She goes to school but for one day, yet she knows so much more than any educated person. It is worthwhile to note, Kya is a born naturalist, and all she has learnt is by keenly observing nature, living amidst the natural bounty of the swamps and marshland.
Lockdown Longings (Roli Books)
These stories are inspired, and every author talks of the trigger that formed the basis for the narrative.Some stories are more gripping than others, and some draw fiercely upon our imaginative selves – like stories – Air 3.0 by Lawrence Houldsworth, and, Gumsum – Nag by Amit Singh
How to Read the Air (Dinaw Mengestu)
Mengestu’s writing is seductive, and haunting in parts. I was fascinated and was swept up by his narrative. The way he talks about his father, whom he despised and feared, as an old man he meets at a home, “He was half out of his mind, and probably had been for decades and no one knew it.” I’d say it’s true of many. Half the world is overrun by such folk.
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